Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Perfect Lie - Processing

I've been using Cameron Rad's method for doing touch up for the last few weeks. Thus far, I think it's the most effective at keeping the face and skin looking realistic. If you watch the tutorial it can seem pretty daunting at first. But after a few tries, it goes pretty quick.

I have some changes/additions I would make to his tutorial. So the below comments will only make sense after viewing.

  • Don't do dodging and burning on the same layer. Put Lightening and Darkening on separate layers. Also, set the Darkening layer opacity to 30% or so. At 100% with the burn tool at 4%, the shadows it creates are too strong.
  • A good way to remove bags under the eyes is to use the stamp tool (at 20%) and clone in some lighter color on the Tones layer. Then use the Healing Brush to smooth out and blur the edges from the cloning. On the Texture layer, use the Healing Brush to remove the lines/wrinkles from the bags. It'll make it look a lot more natural than just using Healing Brush on the texture layer.
  • I use 10% dodge for the hair and the eyes. The eyes I may go back over multiple times.
  • When applying dodge/burn over the same area multiple times, there may end up being bright/dark spots. To eliminate, I go to the respective layer and use the Paint Brush tool. I sample the correct grey value and paint over that area.

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